Egypt Watch

Egypt announces failure of GERD negotiations without announcing the next steps

The Egyptian foreign ministry said, on Sunday, that the hexagonal meeting between ministers of Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia, regarding the negotiations over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, failed to achieve any progress because of conflicts over the process of resuming and managing negotiations. “Sudan adhered to assigning to the experts of the African Union proposing solutions to the points of conflict and forging an agreement about the Renaissance Dam,” said the Egyptian foreign ministry in a press release on Facebook. “Egypt and Ethiopia reserved the right of the three states in forging the text and rules of the agreement about operating the Renaissance Dam.”

Egypt warranted its situation by saying that the experts assigned by the African Union are not specialised in managing water resources and dams. On the other hand, the Sudanese Minster of Irrigation Yasser Abbas said, “We cannot remain in this vicious circle indefinitely regarding the direct danger the Renaissance Dam represents on the Roseires Dam.”

The South African Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Naledi Pandor expressed her regret over the failure of negotiations supervised by South Africa and said that the negotiations have reached “a dead end.”