Egypt has declined 11 points in the Corruption Perceptions Index, published annually by Transparency International, so that it now ranks 117 out of 180 states in 2020. The Berlin-based Transparency International ranks states on a measure of 100 points, with zero for the most corrupt. The index measures embezzlement of public money, the officials’ use of their power for personal interests, bribes and favouritism in appointment.
Egypt was at 33 points losing two points compared to 2019. This score is below the international average, which is 43 points, and the average in the Middle East and North Africa, which is 39 points.
Egypt ranked 11th among the Arab countries. In its report, the organisation linked between combating corruption and good performance in health services, indicating that countries with a good score in the index spend more on health care with higher quality and wider coverage. It is noteworthy that Egypt is a good example of this as it spends less than two per cent of its governmental budget on health, which is below the world average of seven per cent.
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