
Aisha Al-Shater reveals tragic conditions of detention

Aisha Al-Shater, who is detained in the Al-Sisi regime’s prisons, revealed the tragic conditions she is going through inside the prison during her conversation with the judge presiding over her trial. ​The Egyptian Network for Human Rights (ENHR) reported that Aisha, who has been in pretrial detention pending a political case since November 2018, explained that her prison condition is horrible. She urgently needs a bone marrow transplant due to the low levels of platelets in her body.

The female detainee (the daughter of the Brotherhood’s deputy guide) complained that she was deprived of seeing her children up close. She was kept in solitary confinement for a whole year.

The family of Aisha Al-Shater, 40, revealed that she was suffering from health complications in detention, the most serious of which was a failure in the bone marrow. She added that this led to an acute shortage of red blood cells in conjunction with bleeding, which is a life-threatening injury if she does not receive the appropriate treatment.

On August 18 2019, Aisha Al-Shater began an open-ended hunger strike inside Al-Qanater Prison to protest the violations she is being subjected to and the lack of observance of the most basic human rights. Khairat Al-Shater’s daughter ended her hunger strike after 14 days, after promises from the prison administration to improve her detention conditions, but this did not happen, so she entered the second wave of hunger strike. Aisha’s tragedy continues despite constant denunciations by human rights organisations calling for her release, as she is being held in pretrial detention on a political case.

The Human Rights Organisation We Record has issued a statement regarding the inhuman conditions Aisha Al-Shater is kept in, in which her most basic rights are lacking. The statement said that the Egyptian authorities should transfer Aisha Khairat Al-Shater to the Nasser Institute Hospital, provide the necessary health care for her condition, and work to end the severe health suffering that she is experiencing.

Aisha Al-Shater is not the only one, as the Egyptian prisons contain dozens of Egyptian detainees of different political orientations who oppose the Al-Sisi’s regime, which uses pretrial detention to abuse them.