The head of the scientific committee to combat the coronavirus in Egypt, Hossam Hosni, admitted that there are cases of black fungus disease that may be related to corona infection due to the excessive intake of some treatments and antibiotics.
Hosni’s statements to a satellite channel came hours after the Ministry of Health denied the news of an outbreak of black fungus in the country, despite the circulation of doctors’ testimonies on social media.
News and fears began to appear and spread in Egypt after a video clip of the brother of the late artist Samir Ghanem, during which he revealed that his brother was infected with the black fungus disease and died because of it and not because of the coronavirus.
Dr. Hosni said that a medical examination took place on one or two coronavirus patients who were also infected with the black fungus, which is the first admission by an Egyptian official of the emergence of the disease in the country. Hosni pointed out that the black fungus can be treated with medicine if the diagnosis is made early. Still, if it is at a late stage, then there is a need for surgical intervention and removing part of the patient’s body to save him. He warned of great danger in Egypt if antibiotics are not used in a controlled manner during the coming period, explaining that bacterial infections are more dangerous than the emerging coronavirus because it is resistant to antibiotics.
It is reported that official data from Sunday recorded 9,000 cases in India so far of the black fungus disease, which is a fungal disease that infects patients who have recovered from coronavirus. A report published by the French Press Agency recently stated that this disease was present in India before the coronavirus outbreak. According to the same report, surgeons removed the eyes and upper jaw in some cases to stop the spread of infection.
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