Month: October 2023

Blasts hit two Egyptian Red Sea towns near Israel border, six injured

Projectiles hit two Egyptian Red Sea towns on Friday, sources and officials say, wounding at least six people in Taba near the border with Israel. Egyptian army spokesperson Colonel Gharib Abdel-Hafez said an “unidentified drone” crashed into a building adjacent…

Israel-Palestine war: Egypt’s Sisi warns against actions resulting from ‘anger’

Egyptian President Abdel Fatah el-Sisi on Wednesday warned his armed forces and the general public to rein in their anger and enthusiasm, in an apparent reference to the outrage felt in Egypt at the Israeli military onslaught on neighbouring Gaza. Speaking during an inspection of…

Israel-Palestine war: Sisi says Israel can transfer Palestinians in Gaza to Negev desert

Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi on Wednesday declared his government’s rejection of the forced transfer of Palestinian civilians from Gaza into Sinai, suggesting Israel could instead relocate them to the Negev desert. The statements come as Israeli air strikes continue to bombard civilian buildings and infrastructure…

Egypt warned Israel of Hamas attack days earlier, senior US politician says

Head of US foreign affairs committee says warning was given, but it is unclear ‘at what level’, supporting claims reported from Egyptian sources A senior US politician said Israel had received an official warning from Egypt of a possible attack from Gaza…

Israel-Palestine war: Egypt prepares for influx of refugees from Gaza amid bombing

Israel‘s ongoing operations in the Gaza Strip are leaving Egypt braced for an influx of refugees, with resources being set up in North Sinai to take care of the wounded and homeless, a report by Mada Masr said on Monday. The local news website…

Egypt: Two Israeli tourists shot and killed in Alexandria

Reports say an Egyptian policeman opened fire on Israelis at Pompey’s Pillar tourist site At least two Israelis and one Egyptian have been killed after a man opened fire at Israeli tourists in the Egyptian city of Alexandria on Sunday, according to the country’s interior…

Egypt elections: Dozens detained after pro-Sisi rallies turned into anti-government protests

Following state-sponsored celebrations for the candidacy of Sisi this week, participants started chanting against the incumbent president and trampled on his photos. At least 67 men have been detained over the past week after protests in the northern Egyptian coastal city of…

‘Her hijab was removed’: Turkey detains Egyptian dissident Ghada Naguib

Plain-clothed officers violently detained the exiled opposition campaigner without stating any reason and took her to a deportation centre, her family told MEE. Exiled Egyptian opposition activist Ghada Naguib was arrested by plainclothed officers in Turkey on Monday without being given a reason, her…

‘Huge’ fire breaks out at police facility in Egypt

Videos are being shared across social media of the blaze which local media says has injured more than 20 people. The fire erupted at a police facility in the city of Ismailia in the early hours of Monday morning. Emergency…