Year: 2022

Debt-addiction: Egypt gets the second tranche of a $1.2 billion Japanese loan

On Tuesday, the Japan International Cooperation Agency and the Egyptian government signed an agreement to disburse the second tranche, $301 million, of a $1.2 billion Japanese loan. The loan covers the construction costs of the first phase of Line 4…

Sinai: The economic crisis obscures the news of the war

Last Monday, the centre of the city of Arish, in the centre of North Sinai governorate, witnessed shootings, as five civilians, including a woman, were injured when security forces attached to a mobile police ambush fired at a car suspected…

Civil Democratic Movement launches campaign “to defend Suez Canal”

On Sunday, the Civil Democratic Movement announced the launch of a campaign “to defend the Suez Canal,” explaining, in a statement, that the primary goal of the campaign is to withdraw the Suez Canal Fund draft law that was approved…

Egypt expected to pay $42.3 billion for external debt in the next year

On Monday, the World Bank issued a report on the financial situation in Egypt, documenting the continued rise in debt instalments, expecting that Egypt will pay about $42.3 billion in the next fiscal year in the form of external debt…

The World Bank approves $500 million loan for Egypt

The Minister of International Cooperation, Rania Al-Mashat, has said that the World Bank has approved new financing for Egypt, amounting to 500 million dollars, to support the country’s efforts to expand social protection networks. Al-Mashat’s statement added that the loan…

Central Bank of Egypt to sell $850 million-worth treasury bills

On Tuesday, the Central Bank of Egypt said it would sell $850 million in dollar treasury bills in an auction on January 2 to diversify sources of foreign exchange. Since last March, the American dollar has risen against the Egyptian…

48 deaths in 2022: Medical negligence still devours political detainees in Egypt

Egyptian human rights organizations have documented the death of two political detainees during the past two days due to medical negligence and lack of health care, bringing the number of deaths inside the prisons of Abdel Fattah El-Sisi during 2022…

Suez Canal Fund: Opening the door for offering Suez Canal to the Gulf

Two weeks ago, the IMF Executive Board approved a 46-month $3 billion loan to Egypt under Extended Fund Facility arrangement. Along with the loan, the IMF promised to catalyze another $14 billion in financing to the distressed Egyptian economy through…

The Guardian: Egyptians face peril at sea in the dangerous new exodus to Europe

The Guardian published a report that said thousands of Egyptians are risking drowning in the Mediterranean in a new mass exodus fraught with dangers towards Europe. The report, written by the newspaper’s correspondent in Istanbul, Ruth Michaelson, explained that poverty…

Fathi El Nagdy: Fourth Egyptian detainee reported dead this week

According to rights organizations, a fourth Egyptian detainee passed away this week. According to the El-Shehab Center for Human Rights and the Egyptian Network for Human Rights Information, Fathi El-Nagdy Salem, 59, passed away on Sunday in the Zagazig General…