
JeuneAfrique: Morsi’s death drew international attention to Al-Sisi’s repression

June 28, 2019

The French magazine JeuneAfrique has published a report on the impact of recent developments in the Arab region, specifically in Algeria and Sudan, on al-Sisi’s authority after the death of former President Mohamed Morsi.

The magazine said that the circumstances of Morsi’s death highlighted unreservedly how the Egyptian opposition have been repressed since 2013.

“The death of former President Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood on June 17 caused sudden changes in the data,” the magazine said, noting that Morsi was likely to have died of a heart attack after six years of detention.

The report pointed out that Morsi was kept in complete isolation and refused medical care and family visits. Morsi’s fate today gives an impression of bias in the justice system given that former President Hosni Mubarak, who was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2012, was released in 2017.

JeuneAfrique asked: “Does the death of the democratically elected Egyptian President in such circumstances make him a martyr?” 

This is what the regime really fears, especially since even the liberal circles that welcomed the army’s acceptance of power in 2013 have condemned his unfair treatment.

In Algeria, as in Sudan, popular movements finally led to the departure of Abdelaziz Bouteflika and Omar al-Bashir. In these two countries, an army-led transition is being conducted in the same way as it was in Egypt, The problem is that in Algiers and Khartoum, the military is not viewed positively.

The magazine noted that the Egyptian model of a military institution that ensures the conduct of state affairs has been rejected by some Algerians and Sudanese.

The magazine said that the fact that Morsi’s death drew international attention to the repression of the regime’s opponents, especially the Muslim Brotherhood, should not be ignored.

Former President Mohamed Morsi died on Monday, June 17, during a trial in which he was accused of colluding with Hamas.