Egypt Watch

A new amendment to the law expropriating land by the government

The cabinet has agreed to amend some provisions of Law No. 10 of
1990, regarding the expropriation of real estate for public benefit.
The amendment stipulates that the president, or whoever he delegates,
has the authority to decide on the public benefit, provided that he issues
a memorandum stating the project to be implemented with the value of
the initial compensation, which is deposited with the account of the
party responsible for expropriation procedures.
The amendment provides for an increase in the time limit for depositing
the signed forms from those whose property is expropriated, or the
decision issued by the minister concerned with expropriation, to three
years from two years.
This will give more time for the administrative authority, which are
carrying out a number of national projects, to take these measures.
The parliament approved a previous amendment to the law, which gives
the president the right to delegate others regarding decisions to
temporarily seize some real estate in cases of necessity, which was not
stipulated in the law, with the consequence of issuing judicial rulings
nullifying those decisions.