Egypt Watch

The Administrative Court orders reopening of El Nadeem Clinic for victims of torture

The Administrative Court annulled, on Wednesday, the decision of the governor of Cairo to close El Nadeem Centre for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence and Torture. Taher Aboul Nasr, the centre’s lawyer, said that they await the executive regulation of the rule to send it to the litigants including Azbakeya Municipality. He explained that the government has the right to appeal the rule, but this should be after it is implemented.

On the 9February 2017, the security forces attacked the centre’s clinic in downtown Cairo and closed it by force. Then, the head of Azbakeya Municipality said that the closure was ordered by the curative medicine department in the ministry of health due to “violations,” but he did not clarify what those violations were. Despite the closure, the centre resumed its services outside the closed clinic.

Doctor Aida Seif Al Dawla, the founder of the centre, commented on the decision considering it political in nature. Amnesty International said that the decision was to punish the centre for its rule in supporting political detainees and their relatives in Egypt.