Egypt Watch

Mohammed Ali calls on Egyptians to join ‘Nile Revolution’ against Sisi in June

The artist and opposition contractor residing in Spain, Mohammed Ali, has called on Egyptians to go to the streets on June 10, in what he called the Nile Revolution, against Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, against the backdrop of the Renaissance Dam crisis.

In a post on his Facebook account Ali said: “He who does not find himself courageous enough to take risks will not achieve anything in his life.” Ali revealed incidents of corruption affecting Al-Sisi, the presidency, and leaders of the Egyptian army through video clips broadcast from his residence in Spain. His videos were met with widespread interaction in Egypt in 2019 and mass demonstrations took place in September 2019 calling for the overthrow of the regime and the departure of Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi.

Demonstrations erupted at that time despite the severe restrictions and arrests of dissidents, which were repeated in September of last year, 2020. His call comes after Renaissance Dam negotiations failed to reach an agreement on the rules for filling and operating the dam over the past months amid fears of water poverty.

Earlier, Sisi released statements about the Renaissance Dam crisis, and the course of negotiations with Ethiopia and Sudan, sending a message to the citizens of Egypt, during which he called for patience. In July, Egypt officially requested Spain to hand over Ali, who lives in Barcelona, to try him on charges related to fraud and money laundering. Last December, Ali was sentenced in absentia to five years in prison after being convicted of tax evasion. However, the contractor, who has become a fierce opponent of Sisi’s regime, insists that the charges are false and politically motivated.