Egypt Watch

Ending torture and death penalty top recommendations submitted to Egypt

Last Friday, the United Nations Human Rights Council adopted 372 recommendations concerning Egypt’s human rights record after the end of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) session held last Wednesday. Those recommendations were submitted from 133 of 193 member states in the council.                                    

The majority of those recommendations focused on stopping the practice of torture inside prisons – more than 50 in total – the necessity of signing the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, working on the immediate suspension of the death penalty with the view to abolishing it, ensuring the rights of human rights’ defenders, the protection of journalists, removing all judgments issued by military courts, redefining terrorism, freedom of association, stopping pretrial detention and enforced disappearance, ensuring the right of access and contact with lawyers and children only appearing in juvenile courts.                                                      

Omar Marwan, the president of the Egyptian delegation in the Council, said: “Egypt’s delegation received the recommendations made by the members of the council and will be studied carefully with the concerned bodies in Egypt, then after taking into consideration this recommendation, Cairo’s response will be provided in the specific period until March 2020.”                                                                      

Egypt is represented every five years before the United Nations Human Rights Council within the UPR.