Egypt Watch

Strong Egypt Party deputy chairman rearrested days after release

Days after the Supreme State Security Prosecution released Mohammed al-Qassas, deputy chairman of the Strong Egypt Party, he has been caught up in a new case, according to lawyer Khaled Ali.

Mohammad al-Qassas spent 22 months in prison in case No. 977 of 2018 known as the Mekameleen 2 case. The prosecution accused al-Qassas of joining the Muslim Brotherhood. 

Al-Qassas said in the investigations, published by al-Shorouk newspaper, that he is not a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and that he was dismissed after he submitted a request to establish a party other than the Freedom and Justice Party.

Khaled Ali said he was investigating al-Qassas’ case, No. 918 of 2019, for holding meetings inside the prison, even though he was held incommunicado for his term in prison.

His rearrest has ignited anger among activists. His lawyer says that it has become common practice for Egyptian authorities to release prisoners and then bring them back in on new cases.