Egypt Watch

Protests in west Cairo after young man tortured to death in police station

Dozens of Egyptians protested in front of Munib Police Station (west of Cairo), Monday and Tuesday night, after the death of a citizen, Islam the Australian, due to police torture.

Eyewitnesses said that the incident began when the governor of Giza passed by to inspect the conditions at al-Madbah Street, and tried to remove a shop awning. Islam objected to the decision and argued with the security forces. According to eyewitnesses, the police chief beat Islam, insulted his mother, and took him to the police station where he was tortured to death. Following his death, dozens of people protested in front of the police station, chanting slogans accusing the Interior Ministry of bullying, denouncing police violence, and demanding fair retribution for his death.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Interior’s statement denied he was beaten to death by a police officer. The statement said that a quarrel occurred in the Munib area between two parties due to a financial dispute. He was taken to hospital for treatment, and died while receiving treatment after suffering a heart attack. Despite the pictures and videos of the demonstrations, the Ministry of Interior’s statement denied any protests took place.

However, the Egyptian Attorney General, Hamada al-Sawy, announced that the public prosecution had begun an investigation into the death of Islam the Australian. It is not the first case in which detainees have died in police stations in Egypt, at a time when human rights groups warn of systematic torture inside detention centres in Egypt, which the Egyptian authorities always deny.