Egypt Watch

Egypt renews its adherence to a fair agreement on the GERD

The Egyptian Minister of Irrigation, Mohamed Abdel Aty, renewed his country’s adherence to a fair and binding agreement for all regarding the Renaissance Dam, which is disputed with Ethiopia.

The official spokesman for the Egyptian Ministry of Irrigation reported on Facebook that Abdel Aty stressed during his meeting with the Italian ambassador in Cairo, Gambaolo Cantini, his country’s desire to complete the GERD’s negotiations. Abdel Aty stressed Egypt’s principles in preserving its water rights and achieving benefit for all in any future agreement on the dam. From time to time, Egypt declares its adherence to the negotiations, without much progress.

Addis Ababa insists on filling the dam to generate electricity, even though it has not reached an agreement with Cairo and Khartoum, while Egypt fears a possible negative impact of the dam on the flow of its annual share of the Nile’s water of 55.5 billion cubic metres.