Egypt Watch

ISIS executes a Christian in North Sinai

ISIS in North Sinai executed a Copt (Christian), who had been kidnapped for months. The terrorist organisation published a video of his killing.

The organisation published a video of the killing of Nabil Habashi Salama, 62, by firing squad, six months after his kidnapping in the city of Bir Al-Abed in North Sinai. During this period, the security forces failed to liberate Habashi. Last November, ISIS operatives kidnapped Habashi while he was walking on a street in the city. They stopped his car, stole it, and took the man in it, and fled. He was disappeared entirely until a video clip of his execution appeared today.

The Coptic Orthodox Church, headed by Pope Tawadros II (Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of Saint Mark Episcopate), mourned Habashi, a Copt who was in charge of and contributing to the building and restoration of the churches of Sinai. It added that it “stands in solidarity with all the efforts of the Egyptian state to refute the hateful acts of terrorism.” It stressed that “these actions will increase their determination and determination to preserve Egypt’s national unity.”

Witnesses said that the kidnappers called and demanded a ransom of EGP 5 million. The communications were cut off after that. The security services demanded the sons of Nabil Habashi to leave the city, fearing for them and so that they could pursue the kidnappers.

Later, the Egyptian Ministry of Interior announced the killing of those involved in Habashi’s murder. The statement added that the rest of the elements of that terrorist cell involved in this crime are being pursued after their identities have been determined.