Egypt Watch

Egyptian authorities detain a child in Sinai over charges of terrorism

The Egyptian Front for Human Rights (EFHR) said that the Supreme State Security Prosecution (SSSP) ordered two Sinai girls, Fatima Farraj and Walaa Saber, into custody in Case 620 of 2021, State Security, on charges of joining and financing a terrorist group. EFHR said that the two girls were arbitrarily detained for two months after their release from another case because they were former wives of those accused of joining the Sinai Province organization.

The prosecution had investigated the child Fatima Farraj Eid Sweilem (14 – uneducated and not working) in connection with Case No. 620 of 2021 of accusations of joining and financing a terrorist group. During the investigation by the SSSP, Fatima admitted that she is married to one of the individuals accused of joining the Sinai Province organization. Five months ago, she and four other girls decided to flee. They rode a car that would take them to the nearest army ambush, where they surrendered.

The army forces detained them and presented them pending a military case until they were released two months ago, but the authorities did not implement the decision to release them. They were arbitrarily detained until Fatima was brought before the State Security Prosecution yesterday, May 24, and the Public Prosecution decided to detain her for fifteen days as a precaution. Fatima’s lawyer requested that she present it to the Child Prosecution Office, according to the Child Law, as she is under fifteen years old and placed in a foster home.

On the same day, Walaa Saber Juma Nofal (21 years old – not working) was also investigated on the same case with the same accusations. Walaa admitted before the prosecution that she was married to one of the accused of joining the Sinai Province organization. On January 2, 2021, she tried to escape by surrendering herself to a hospital in Sheikh Zuweid. Walaa was pregnant and about to give birth. Walaa was arrested in an army ambush, and she told them the details of what happened with her, and then they transferred her to the National Security headquarters in Sheikh Zuweid.

According to Walaa’s account, they were investigated before the Military Prosecution in February 2021 after a disappearance for more than a month at the National Security headquarters in Sheikh Zuweid. Then they were deported to the Qantara West Department, where Walaa gave her child there while she was detained in the department.

In March 2021, they were released, and the security forces transferred them to the National Security headquarters in Al-Arish. She remained detained there until she was brought before the prosecution yesterday. It is worth noting that the police took her newborn baby from her three days ago in Abu Sawyer police station in addition to her daughter. She does not know their whereabouts.