Egypt Watch

The Egyptian authorities uses collective punishment against opponents’ families: The case of Essam Mekheimar

The Egyptian Network for Human Rights shed light on the collective punishment of the Egyptian opponents in a new report. The report recorded with names and dates how the political security used violence and force, in violation of constitution, law and basic human rights, against families and relatives of political opponents.

ENHR exposed the case of engineer Essam Mekheimar, the leader in Muslim Brotherhood, who was arrested a week ago after years of pursuit. A large force of political security stormed Mekheimar’s house early in 7 July. The force terrified the kids, turn the house upside down, and assaulted all the residents physically and verbally. The force broke the furniture intentionally, and seized the mobiles, jewelry, money, and computers. Women were not excepted as the officer of the force threatened the wife of Essam with stripping and detention.

Finally, the force arrested Abdel Rahman Essam Mekheimar, 24 years, and Ahmed Adel Mekheimar, 25 years, along with Essam Mekheimer. All of the three are still under enforced disappearance.

ENHR affirmed that the case of Mekheimar is not an exception, but rather an example of the Egyptian security manner in humiliating and abusing families of opponents with a green light from the political power that protect the security members from legal accountability.

Another example was the family of the political detainee, Abdel Rahman Shuwaikh. In April, the security arrested his father Gamal, his Mother Hoda, and his sister, Salsabeel, after the family complained to the prosecution of torturing and sexually assaulting Abdel Rahman.