Egypt Watch

ANHRI: Egypt witnessed over 200 protest activities in 2021

The Arab Network for Human Rights Information issued a report on labour and social protests in Egypt during the second half of December 2021. It announced that it had documented seven protests during that period, including four social protests and three labour protests. The period also included three suicides due to the accumulation of debts and economic crises. The protests varied to include complaints about poor services, poor educational situations, and problems related to salaries and financial regulations for state workers and employees. This comes while the first half of December 2021 witnessed 13 protests, including 9 social protests, including suicide, and 4 labour protests. November 2021 recorded 32 protests, including 5 suicides due to debt accumulation and financial crises. October 2021 recorded  5 protests and 2 suicides.

The Arab Network documented, during the third quarter of 2021, 47 protest activities by various political forces. Social and labour protests ranked first with 36 activities, while the activities of Muslim Brotherhood supporters continued to decline, as 8 activities were documented, all of which coincided with the anniversary of the dispersal of the Rabaa al-Adawiya and al-Nahda sit-ins and took place in remote villages and in individual forms. School students organized 3 activities to protest the results of high school exams. 5 different activities were attacked by the security services, while 37 activities passed without any police attacks, in addition to 5 activities were resolved by negotiation with the participants, according to the organization.

In the second quarter of 2021, the organization documented 44 protest activities by various political forces. Labour and social protests ranked first with 25 activities, while the Muslim Brotherhood’s protests continued to decline, as 10 activities were recorded, all of them were in individual forms and in remote villages and coincided with the anniversary of the death of former President Mohamed Morsi and the final death sentences issued in the case of the dispersal of the Rabaa al-Adawiya sit-in. Civil forces organized 4 protest activities, and students organized 5.

In the first quarter of 2021, the organization documented 57 protest activities by various political forces. Labour and social protests came first with 43 activities, while the protests of the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters declined, as 7 protest activities were recorded, all in individual forms and in remote villages and coincided with the anniversary of the January 2011 Revolution.