Egypt Watch

Abdel Fattah al-Sisi decides on partial cabinet reshuffle in Egypt

Saturday, the speaker of the house of representatives, Hanafy Gebaly, declared in an urgent brief session called upon by Abdel Fattah al-Sisi that the parliament approved the presidential decision of a partial cabinet reshuffle involving 13 ministries.

Sisi said on Facebook that he discussed the reshuffle with the prime minister, Mustafa Madbouly, aiming to develop the governmental performance to protect the state interests and improve public services.

The reshuffle included appointing the head of the economic committee in the house of representatives, Ahmed Samir, as a minister of trade and industry, succeeding Neveen Game’. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar left the ministry of high education for the ministry of health growing Hala Zayed, suspended after a corruption scandal in the ministry, for which her ex-husband was prosecuted. The deputy minister Mohamed Ayman Ashour replaced Abdel Ghaffar in high education.

Reda Hegazy assumed the ministry of education instead of Tarek Shawky. Professor of sustained development, Hany Atef Swelim replaced Mohamed Abdel Aaty in the irrigation ministry. Soha Samir Nashed assumed the ministry of migration, and Egyptians abroad Nabila Makram Ebaid resigned after prosecuting her son in the USA for stabbing two persons to death. Ahmed Eisa Abu Hussein was appointed for the ministry of tourism, Lieutenant General Mohamed Abbas Helmy for civil aviation, Hassan Shehata, who has been recently elected as the head of the Egyptian Trade-Unions Federation, for the ministry of labour, Neveen Kelany for culture, General Hesham Aamna for municipal development, Mahmoud Esmat for the public sector, and Genera Mohamed Salahuddin for the military production.

The reshuffle did not include a new minister of media to replace Osama Heikal, who resigned in April 2021 after disputes with the Supreme Council for Media Regulation over the authorities’ divisions.