On Tuesday, Asharq Business said that the Egyptian government is considering purchasing 20 Indian-made HAL Tejas fighter jets. A senior Hindustan Aeronautics executive has said the company is also in talks with Malaysia, Botswana and Argentina. According to the news website, Egypt has also reached out to the aerospace company to develop a defence system.
In January, Boeing said the Egyptian Air Force had purchased 12 Boeing CH-47 Chinook helicopters in a $426 million deal. Last May, the aircraft industry company sold as many as 23 Boeing CH-47 Chinook helicopters to Egypt in a $2.6 billion deal. Last January, the US administration approved several arms deals for the Egyptian government, including air defence systems worth 335 million dollars and more than 5,000 BGM-71 TOW missiles worth 691 million dollars. In 2021, the US House of Representatives withheld $300 million in military aid to Egypt due to the deteriorating human rights situation in the country. The total army aid granted by the United States to Egypt annually is $1.3 billion. According to the International Trends in Arms Transfers report issued by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute last March, Egypt was ranked as the third largest importer of arms in the world in 2017-2021.
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