Egypt Watch

Egypt: Medical staff on the frontline haven’t received their salaries

Doctor Ahmed Hussein Abdel Salam, a former member of the Medical Syndicate’s Council, has filed a complaint to the president concerning the conditions of the medical teams that work in the quarantine hospitals.

Abdel Salam said that instead of paying the medical staff EGP 20,000 ($1,267) as a reward for their work in the quarantine hospitals for 14 days, they were told that people in direct contact with infected patients will receive EGP 4,900 ($310) and people in indirect contact will receive EGP 2,450 ($155).

However, nobody has received anything except staff at El-Negela Hospital, while the medical staff who worked with tourists coming off the Luxor boat in Abbassia Fever Hospital, Sadr Hospital in Assiut and, Damanhour Chest Diseases Hospital haven’t received any reward.

Officials have also refused to provide places to quarantine medical staff after they have finished working in quarantine hospitals and have only provided them with oral results of their tests, rather than in writing.

Abdel Salam said that he filed a complaint to several authorities including the Administrative Control Authority, the Egyptian Cabinet, the Ministry of Health and parliament. He received a response from an official from the Administrative Control Authority who promised to intervene to resolve the problem.

Abdel Salam has called on the government to monitor the implementation of the president’s instructions to provide all possible support for medical teams and all workers in the health sector in Egypt.