Egypt Watch

Coronavirus: Partial strike at Tora Prison

The Revolutionary Socialist Movement has announced that about 100 detainees in Tora Prison have started a partial hunger strike in protest at the absence of suitable measures inside the prison to prevent the spread of coronavirus among the detainees. In its statement the movement said that three detainees were transferred two days ago to a fever hospital after they were suspected of being infected, which caused a wave of panic inside the prison, especially since measures have not been taken to clean the prisons or provide detainees with personal hygiene tools. The Egyptian Front for Human Rights expressed grave fear for the lives of all detainees in Egypt, and held the authorities responsible for preserving their lives. The organisation stressed that the authorities’ insistence on ignoring the gravity of the epidemic, and continuing to keep them in crowded cells, can only be described as premeditated killing. Detainees being held in Tora Prison released a distress message last week, urgently calling for intervention to save them from a coronavirus outbreak in prison.