Egypt Watch

Al-Anadoul: The Egyptian regime sent crops to aid al-Assad of Syria

Al-Anadoul Turkish news agency said that the Egyptian regime recently sent armed forces to Syria, in coordination with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. These reports estimated the number of these forces at 150 soldiers, and said that their headquarters are the countryside of Aleppo and the Idlib area in northern Syria, side by side to groups affiliated to Iran, and in coordination with them, according to the Anadolu Agency.

General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi had previously given clear indications of the rapprochement between his regime and the Bashar al-Assad’s regime, but he did not speak of any kind of military support for the Assad regime. Supporters of the Egyptian regime say that these reports may be inaccurate because the first news agency spoke about this is Anadolu Agency, which is opposed to the Egyptian regime due to the dispute between Egypt and Turkey.

However, opponents of the regime said that the parliamentary mandate that al-Sisi obtained recently gives him the freedom to send soldiers out of the country border, without any specific geographical or temporal restriction. Last April, the Egyptian Foreign Minister, Sameh Shoukry, announced that his country intends to work to return Syria (the Bashar Al-Assad regime) to its natural location on the regional and international arenas, which is the latest evidence of the rapprochement of Arab countries with the “Assad” regime. In 2016, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi announced his full support for the Syrian regime’s army, without declaring if there is any intention to a military support for Assad’s forces.

Al-Sisi’s statements came after media sources loyal to al-Assad’s regime confirmed that an Egyptian military delegation visited the Russian military base in Tartous Governorate on the Syrian coast. Also in 2016, the head of the Syrian National Security Office, Major General Ali al-Mamlouk, visited Cairo on a visit announced by the Syrian news agency affiliated with the regime (SANA), at the invitation of the Egyptian side. It was agreed between the two sides to coordinate positions politically between Syria and Egypt, as well as to enhance coordination in combating terrorism to which the two countries are exposed, according to the same agency.