Egypt Watch

Renaissance Dam: Egyptian TV host threatens EU with illegal immigration

Egyptian pro-regime TV host Ahmed Moussa threatened the European Union with a wave of illegal immigration. Moussa warned the European Union about the launch of illegal boats from Egypt towards Europe because of the EU’s position on the Grand Renaissance Ethiopian Dam (GERD).

Moussa’s threats came during his programme on the Sada Al-Balad channel, commenting on the European Union’s stance on the issue of the GERD during its last foreign ministers’ meeting.

Magdy Youssef, correspondent of Sada Al-Balad, said that the European Union knows the seriousness of a crisis in the region due to the Ethiopian dam crisis. During a telephone conversation with journalist Ahmed Moussa on the “On My Responsibility” programme, broadcast on the Sada Al-Balad channel, he said that the European Union’s position is not clear regarding the GERD.

He stressed that there is a feeling among the union that it is unable to intervene over the issue of the Renaissance Dam, as it is unable to put pressure on Addis Ababa. On the other hand, the EU’s position about Tigray is different. He indicated that the European Union said that its countries would not tolerate instability in the region. It stressed that it would not intervene in the current crisis between Cairo and Khartoum, on the one hand, and Addis Ababa, on the other hand, regarding the Renaissance Dam. Magdy Youssef added that many European Union interests would be affected in an unprecedented manner due to the GERD’s crisis.

Moussa spoke angrily, saying that the European Union was afraid of one or two boats arriving on its coast. He asked: “What if tens of thousands of immigrants arrived in the European Union every day?” He added, “If the lands dry up and people are thirsty, what else is waiting for the European Union except that?”

Egyptian journalist Saad El-Shatanoufi commented on this, saying that Mr. Ahmed Moussa is threatening the European Union with shipping 100 boats a day loaded with Egyptians as soon as the Renaissance Dam is completed.