Egypt Watch

Security services continue crackdown against journalists

The Arabic Network for Human Rights said that security forces arrested the journalist and former researcher for the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information, Shaimaa Sami, from her home in Alexandria. Gamal Eid, director of the Arab Network, said security forces went to Shaimaa’s house and arrested her, asked her to take some clothes with her, and told her family that she was been heading to the Alexandria Security Directorate. Eid indicated that a lawyer from the Arab Network had gone to the Alexandria Security Directorate to find out the reasons for her arrest and to attend investigations with her.

Last week, The State Security Prosecution decided to detain a journalist for Al-Masry Al-Youm newspaper, Haisam Mahjoub, for a period of 15 days pending case No. 586 of 2020 on charges of joining a terrorist group and broadcasting false news. Mahjoub’s mother said he was arrested for preparing reports on the truth about the outbreak of the coronavirus in Egypt.

The Supreme State Security Prosecutor decided to detain journalist, Coptic expert and documentary film maker, Sameh Hanin, for 15 days pending case 586 of 2020, accusing him of assisting a terrorist group despite that he is a Copt. Sameh was arrested from his home last Friday, according to statements by his lawyer Mahmoud Bilal.

According to the Arab Network report, the security forces arrested 10 journalists between March 18 and May 18. There are currently 35 journalists in Egyptian prisons, and according to the International Press Freedom Index for 2020, Egypt ranks 166 in a list of 180 countries.