Egypt Watch

National Security and Abbasiya Hospital face accusations of involvement in the death of Ayman Hadhoud

Psychiatrists have demanded the formation of a fact-finding committee to determine who was responsible for keeping the body of economic researcher Ayman Hadhoud in the Abbasiya Mental Health Hospital refrigerator for about a month. They also held the hospital administration and its forensic medicine department responsible for his death.

Ahmed Hussein, a psychiatrist at the hospital, said that “the hospital’s mortuary is made for cooling only, not for freezing. Hence, the body cannot be left in it for more than a week,” explaining that the usual thing to do upon the death of any patient is to deliver their body to their family within two days at most of the identity is known, or to obtain a permit from the Public Prosecution to bury the body if the identity is unknown.

Hudhoud’s brother, Omar, said: “We have strong suspicions that Ayman was killed,” confirming that they found out that the death occurred more than a month ago. The family took pictures of the body, but the hospital staff forced them to remove these pictures.

A source working in the hospital explained that he learned from a doctor in the forensic medicine department that Hodhoud was handed over to the department. At the same time, he was alive by a security authority he did not specify, and Hodhoud died inside the hospital. The source also suggested that Hodhoud had been assaulted and seriously injured before being sent to the hospital.