Month: July 2022

Egypt and Algeria compete in Palestine after a dispute in Libya

The Egyptian-Algerian relationship has recently witnessed severe disturbance on top of their different situations from the Libyan issue. While the Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune supported the National Unity government of Abdel Hameed Dbaiba, Cairo preferred Dbaiba’s competitor, Fathi Bashagha, the…

IMF demands Egypt achieve a crucial downsize of the state’s economic role

Tuesday, the International Monetary Fund urged Egypt to achieve significant progress regarding the financial and structural reforms. That includes more flexibility in the EGP exchange rate, promoting the private sector’s competitiveness, reducing the state’s role in the economy and improving…

Egypt’s FM addresses the UN Security Council on Ethiopia’s continuous filling of the Renaissance Dam

On Friday, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said that his country objects to Ethiopia’s continuation of filling the Renaissance Dam unilaterally. Shoukry said that his country considers this a clear violation of the Declaration of Principles Agreement signed by the…

Eight Human Rights Organizations Call for Final Closure of NGO Foreign Funding Investigation

In a joint statement, eight human rights organizations demanded a genuine and comprehensive closure of case no. 173 of 2011 and all the consequent decisions that have deprived several advocates of their rights, freezing their assets and banning them from…

Wadi El-Natron Prison denies Alaa Abdel Fattah family visits

Laila Soueif, the mother of imprisoned political activist Alaa Abdel Fattah, said that the administration of Wadi El-Natron Prison prevented her from visiting him for the third day. Abdel Fattah’s family questioned why the prison administration told them, expressing concern…

Sinai for Human Rights: North Sinai suffers from the grim reality

In a recent report, Sinai for Human Rights revealed the grim reality of human rights in North Sinai, stressing that practices committed by the two parties to the conflict, the Egyptian Armed Forces and the terrorist Sinai Province, amount to…

A senior cop in Tora Prison assaulted Ahmed Doma for demanding medical care

Journalist Nourhan Hefzy said that her ex-husband, imprisoned political activist Ahmed Doma, was assaulted by the head of the Tora Prison, adding that his family demanded the official authorities investigate. Muhammad Doma said that his brother was physically and verbally…

Sisi’s decision to give military graduates scientific degrees paves the way to militarizing the state

On July 4, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi ratified a new law that allows the Egyptian Military Academy to give its graduate bachelor and license degrees in politics, economics, commerce and engineering along with their military study without academic supervision. The new…

Family demands releasing journalist Hisham Fouad after his health deterioration

Madiha Hussein, the wife of imprisoned journalist Hisham Fouad, has said that he had contracted the Coronavirus, calling on the Ministry of Interior to release him due to his poor health conditions. Hussein explained that Fouad suffers from shortness of…

No dialogue with the regime without releasing opinion prisoners says Socialist Popular Alliance

On Wednesday, Medhat al-Zahid, head of the Socialist People’s Alliance Party, one of the Civil Democratic Movement parties, revealed that the movement affirmed during the second session of the National Dialogue Board of Trustees its adherence to the terms it…